QT_PROOFSHEET example 2:

Here's an interesting little movie. It happens to be the first digitally-rendered QuickTime movie ever. It was rendered using a two-dimensional graphics package called "Skia", also known as "QuickDraw GX".

And here, we will transform it into a 64-frame 512x512 texture for use in Second Life. Because I know the source movie is 2 seconds long, and we want 64 frames to result, we can use --framerate=32 to divide the whole movie appropriately. Also, we disable spacing, timecode stamping, and titling.

poly@thunderbird-3: qt_proofsheet sweepsmall.mov --timecode=0 --spacing=0 --title=0 --framesize=64,64 --framesperrow=8 --framerate=32 sweep.tga
+ frame size : 64 x 64
+ spacing : 0
+ frame count : 64
+ frames/row : 8
+ sheet size : 512 x 512
+ codec : tga
+ frames per second : 32
+ duration : 2.000000


Produced the following attractive proof sheet (converted to jpg):