

qt_info [movie]


qt_info is a command line tool that sets or displays various information about a QuickTime movie. Most of this information is available -- in one form or another -- via QuickTime Player. qt_info prints the information in a somewhat script-friendly format, if that's your trip. It also shows what I considered to be the relevant features all at once, with no tabbing between the different QuickTime Player panels.

Furthermore, you can use options to set values for the movie annotations.


   --creationdate="<Creation Date>"
   --encodedby="<Encoded By>"
   --fullname="<Full Name>"
   --hostcomputer="<Host Computer>"
   --originalartist="<Original Artist>"
   --originalformat="<Original Format>"
   --originalsource="<Original Source>"
   --specialplaybackrequirements="<Special Playback Requirements>"
   --urllink="<URL Link>"



...generated the following display on my computer:

        +                 movie name : /downloads/short_films/krab/ 
        +             movie duration : 11.283 (6770/600) 
        +                 movie rate : 0.000000 
        +       movie preferred rate : 1.000000 
        +               movie volume : 256 
        +     movie preferred volume : 256 
        +                  movie box : (0,0,240,320) 
        +       movie natural bounds : (0,0,240,320) 
        +     movie display clip rgn : (null) 
        +             movie clip rgn : (null) 
        +   movie display bounds rgn : rectangular (0,0,240,320) 
        +          movie track count : 1 
        +                      Album : From The Crab 
        +                     Author : the pipe and the crab 
        +                track index : 1 
        +                   track id : 1 
        +      track create/mod time : 3131786230 / 3131786235 
        +              track enabled : yes 
        +   track usage/layer/alt id : 14 / 0 / 1 
        +               track volume : 0 
        +               track offset : 0.000 (0/600) 
        +             track duration : 11.283 (6770/600) 
        +           track dimensions : (320,240) 
        +             track clip rgn : (null) 
        +   track display bounds rgn : rectangular (0,0,240,320) 
        +     track movie bounds rgn : rectangular (0,0,240,320) 
        +           track bounds rgn : rectangular (0,0,240,320) 
        +             media duration : 11.285 (1015641/90000) 
        +             media language : 0 
        +              media quality : 0 
        +              media handler : vide/appl Apple Video Media Handler 
        +         media data handler : alis/appl Apple Alias Data Handler 
        +    media description count : 1 
        +         media sample count : 132 
        +    media sync sample count : 6 
        + media preferred chunk size : 32768 
        +     --- sample description : 1 of 1 
        +               video format : SVQ3 Sorenson Video 3 Compressor 
        +   temporal/spatial quality : 512 / 512 
        +         width/height/depth : 320 / 240 / 32 


qt_export(1), qt_thing(1), qt_tools(1), qt_atom(1)


David Van Brink, email , subject line must begin with ``quicktime''.

This software is provided as-is, &c.

This software is FREEWARE. There is no compensation expected. In return, I'll try to fix bugs if you find them. Hope that's ok with you.